Can't believe you can embezzle MILLIONS OF TAX PAYER DOLLARS and ONLY GET 7 YEARS in prison(and partly in a halfway house) !!! ALSO ...let's not forget the LOST REVENUE that local contractors and businesses were cheated out of by not being awarded JOBS that ms. Green awarded to the Georgia Contractor ( for who knows what true amount of money and kick backs) who pled guilty and also served time...this was during a very hard time for local construction companies in a recession and some companies went under for lack of work while this out of state company took over!! These jobs could have made a huge impact on hard working local residents who pay the actual taxes for the millions Ms. GREEN EMBEZZELED!! THIS WAS FAR REACHING AND IMPACTFUL and 7 years is nothing in comparison. Not sorry for my openion!!
Can't believe you can embezzle MILLIONS OF TAX PAYER DOLLARS and ONLY GET 7 YEARS in prison(and partly in a halfway house) !!! ALSO ...let's not forget the LOST REVENUE that local contractors and businesses were cheated out of by not being awarded JOBS that ms. Green awarded to the Georgia Contractor ( for who knows what true amount of money and kick backs) who pled guilty and also served time...this was during a very hard time for local construction companies in a recession and some companies went under for lack of work while this out of state company took over!! These jobs could have made a huge impact on hard working local residents who pay the actual taxes for the millions Ms. GREEN EMBEZZELED!! THIS WAS FAR REACHING AND IMPACTFUL and 7 years is nothing in comparison. Not sorry for my openion!!